Wednesday, April 9, 2014


My company says it pretty much the same way many network marketing companies say it.

 "There's only three things you have to do in this company to be successful. Recruit, recruit and recruit...and don't get that out of order."

I actually like prospecting...most of the time.

I came up with this prospecting survey idea (probably been done millions of times but I'm taking the credit today) where I stop a person in the mall and ask them if they would like to take a very brief survey.

The survey consists of questions about wanting to earn extra income.  Usually the person says, "Sure, I'd like to earn extra income." At which time I get their name and phone number and I give them our opportunity DVD.

If they don't want to give me their phone number (somewhat understandable considering a lot of women particularly might just think it's a come-on) then I will only give them a business card and a link to another opportunity video.

It's hard to feel good about giving a prospect a tool without follow-up info.

I've only done it to about 10 prospects because mall security doesn't like people doing surveys with their customers.

That decently handled but nevertheless discouraging interruption, threw me for a loop and I've had to regain my confidence in preparation of trying it again.  This time the location will be a grocery store parking lot or outside the mall area (preferably while moving from store to store).

There are tons of prospecting videos on you-tube.  Most people hate cold market but I'm absolutely certain there is a lot of money in it.

It's tough but very necessary.

I guess I'm just a different breed.  I'll work my warm market, do daily exposures and set weekly goals for this harder core prospecting as well.

My "WHY" (why I'm in this business) is very important to me and I need to start helping others to be successful RIGHT NOW!

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