Sunday, April 27, 2014

Network Marketing 1100 People

One of the leaders in my MLM business said when he started he talked to over 1100 people.

Actually he gave some type of tool to 1100 people and followed up with those people.

It's crucial to understand that.

The number of people he TRIED to talk to might be double or even triple that!

The 1100 people were ones he gave a DVD , lead to his website, a magazine article or something else that qualified as a third party tool.

He also followed up with every single one of them!

It's unlikely every person joined or had some type of interest but it was very important to get back with that person and find out if you should continue to treat that person as a prospect (they exhibited enough interest to receive a second tool or be moved along in some other way through the exposure process) or remove them from further consideration (they had no interest,  a bad attitude or some other reason you don't want him or her on the team).

Maybe initially 1100 people sounds like a big number?

Unobtainable to you?


Maybe it will surprise you to find out that you can give 4 people a CD to listen to daily and you could easily expose 1100 people in a year. 

That includes like 90 days off in that calendar year.

Also let me state, our leader, when he had completed those 1100 exposures and follow-ups was earning OVER $20K a month.

Obviously there's no guarantee you will be at that income level even after 2000 exposures BUT just for fun...

if somehow you KNEW you could be in that type of financial ballpark...

How long would it take for you to give a tool to 1100 semi qualified (You talked to them for a minute or two) people?

Something tells me you would do it pretty quick.

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