Sunday, April 6, 2014

Little victories

My return to Network Marketing has been a little tough.

I was lucky I didn't have to start at square One (I maintained my title/position from 10 years ago) but it's in name only.

I have nothing.

I am not making any money at this point and because I work full-time, I don't have the time to put into this that I wish I had.

I guess I'm a little anxious right now.

I'm more determined than ever but I just wish something would happen for me right this second.

A little victory.

Well, actually I just had one.

I just finished talking to someone in my down-line who made me feel great.

When I got started again, one of the first things I did was go through my entire organizational genealogy to see who was still active.

In my organization, being active means they maintained a continuous membership the entire history of their association with the company.  They may not have written any business but as long as they have an active membership they are considered active and can basically pick up right where they left off no matter how long it's been since they did any business.

Once I determined who was active, I created a conference line (using excellent service) that I plan to use for future team building.

Until I build a team, I've left a motivational message on the replay line so I can direct these inactive associates to hear something to inspire them.

Of the 800 or so associates on my team from 12 years ago, about 60 are still active.

I've started calling every single one of them to say hi and see what their thoughts are about our business.

Of course my truest intention is to talk to everyone of those associates and see if I can motivate them to re-join the team.

So...after all that preliminary explanation, I talked to the sweetest 82 year old lady who actually is at the same level as I am but still a part of my down-line.

She explained that she had been sick for a number of years but actually planned to become more active soon anyway.

What was really energizing for me was hearing her say all of the things she felt about the company and about recruiting and selling memberships and it was all perfect!

What an amazing woman she is.  I don't think she was trying to impress me (she's 82 years old dammit) She just naturally feels this positive about our team!

I pray I'm able to help her reach the top level of our business!

Our company couldn't ask for a better representative.

Her natural responses made her one of the most refreshing people I've talked to since my re-start.

I needed it today.


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