Saturday, April 5, 2014

A numbers game

I think one of the first things you hear when you get involved with this business is that, "It's a numbers game."

What does that mean?

It means that you have to talk to a large number of people in order to find a few leaders.

It's definitely true.

The good news is...

In many MLM businesses, you can earn a six figure income with less than 5 "REAL" leaders in separate "legs" or different lines of your organization.

It just means you have a handful of leaders in your organization who have their own huge organization, each independent of each other but all a part of your network. 

That's great! 

I like to think, "all I want is 5 other people with my own work ethic because I know how seriously I take this business and I know how diligently I study to develop the skills to be effective.  So all I need is to effectively duplicate myself!"

Again, that's the good news.

Duplicating yourself should be a little easier than trying to mold someone into what you envision a great leader to

The hard part ...

It might take you 5 years to find those leaders.

The turnover rate in our business is frightening.

I'm sure a big part of it is not realistically preparing prospects for everything it takes to be successful- namely hard work, dedication and consistentcy.

I think we tend to soft-sell the work required to get to the top and then when it doesn't happen right away, people get discouraged and quit.

We also aren't preparing the people we sponsor for the REJECTION they will face over and over and over from friends and family...least of all strangers.

But with all the mistakes we tend to make as we develop into better sponsors, the only thing we need to do is work on our skills, work on our personal development and recruit. 

If you do those three things I have no doubt you will be successful.

it is a numbers game.

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