Sunday, May 4, 2014

Don't recruit EVERYBODY into your network marketing business

Remember when you recruited Terry into your network marketing business?

You were so excited.

A new recruit!

We love that!

Terry's personality is so bubbly.

Terry has no problem talking to people.

Remember you thought, "Terry's going to be a ROCKSTAR" in this business!

Six months and quite a lot of infighting late...

 You remembered something.

Something important.

Terry likes to gossip.

Terry likes to get things started.

No!  When I say get "THINGS" started" I don't mean BUSINESS related "things."

I mean good old fashioned DRAMA!

Now two other people in your organization, two REAL leaders are fighting!

And guess who instigated it?

Now you remember that joke they had in the office.

There's three ways to spread information around here...

Telegraph...Telephone...Tell Terry!

My point is this.

We are not begging just anyone to be a part of our business.

We are looking for good, positive minded people to be a part of our organization.

We are actually doing more for them by offering them this great opportunity than they are doing for us by being a part.

Pick your prospects wisely.

Don't pre-judge but when you learn something detrimental about your prospect CAREFULLY weigh the pros and cons.

Maybe they won't HELP the team.

Sometimes building a strong team is just one prospect away.

Unfortunately the same can be said about destroying a team!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Network Marketing 1100 People

One of the leaders in my MLM business said when he started he talked to over 1100 people.

Actually he gave some type of tool to 1100 people and followed up with those people.

It's crucial to understand that.

The number of people he TRIED to talk to might be double or even triple that!

The 1100 people were ones he gave a DVD , lead to his website, a magazine article or something else that qualified as a third party tool.

He also followed up with every single one of them!

It's unlikely every person joined or had some type of interest but it was very important to get back with that person and find out if you should continue to treat that person as a prospect (they exhibited enough interest to receive a second tool or be moved along in some other way through the exposure process) or remove them from further consideration (they had no interest,  a bad attitude or some other reason you don't want him or her on the team).

Maybe initially 1100 people sounds like a big number?

Unobtainable to you?


Maybe it will surprise you to find out that you can give 4 people a CD to listen to daily and you could easily expose 1100 people in a year. 

That includes like 90 days off in that calendar year.

Also let me state, our leader, when he had completed those 1100 exposures and follow-ups was earning OVER $20K a month.

Obviously there's no guarantee you will be at that income level even after 2000 exposures BUT just for fun...

if somehow you KNEW you could be in that type of financial ballpark...

How long would it take for you to give a tool to 1100 semi qualified (You talked to them for a minute or two) people?

Something tells me you would do it pretty quick.

Friday, April 25, 2014

How to recruit black people into your Network Marketing Business


Ok.  I guess I tricked you.

I really don't think there is any specific way to recruit African Americans.

The same technique you use to recruit any person of any ethnicity is probably the same.

No matter what their race is they need to trust you, like you and see you as a leader.

Now if for whatever reason you don't feel very comfortable around black people try using this method of communicating I call C.T.P.


Very simple.

Compliment the person,

Bring up something Topical.

Smoothly transition into your Presentation.

"Hi Tony..."

Not quite right...

"Hi Malcolm..."

I had to.

"...I love that tie.  Where did you get that?  You see the game last night?  I fell asleep.  Who ended up winning it?  You know I'd been meaning to ask you something for a long time...Are you open to a business opportunity?"

Generic and common lines of communication in our industry.

The funny thing is...

Still appropriate.

We're all the same.

We're all different.

We're all people!

Here's a tip.

Black people...The huge majority...LOVE Barack Obama.

Use him as a Icebreaker.

I don't see anything wrong with that.

Even if you're the most staunch, conservative Republican and you can't get yourself to even mention Barack's name...

even for your business...


try this...

"Wow Monique did you hear the President the other day?"

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

How to become a Network Marketing Superhero!

What characteristic is generally shared by the majority of Superheroes?

It doesn't matter if they fly, Spin webs, turn green and get all types of muscles or travel in an invisible plane.

One thing is typical of our superheroes.

They are brave.

They have courage!

We have to have the same courage when we talk to our prospects.

Could you imagine Bruce Wayne NOT answering that Bat-phone?

Even when you work your warm market you have to follow up.

Sometimes very often.

You have to make those calls.

You have to talk to that person!

You doubt he will be interested?

He's not The Joker!

She already makes a six-figure income?

She's not Catwoman!

Talk to these people!  Approach these people!  Follow-up with these people!

Expose these people to your opportunity...four times...five times...six times

It's not over until Superman flies off into the sunset having saved the day.

That' s how the superheroes do it!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Your MLM Secret Weapon!

Not having the success you want in MLM?

You don't have to worry about it.

If you are following your company's game plan or 'System'

If you are working on your personal development

If you are staying consistent and treating your business like a business and not a hobby

Then you have a secret weapon!

That secret weapon?

It's God.




All of a sudden you will get a call from that great prospect you'd written off.

All of a sudden you will stumble on to a video series or blog that will give you the information you were looking for.

All of a sudden you will be in the right place at the right time.

You don't believe in God?

Doesn't matter.

He believes in you.

Call it Karma

Call it Spirituality

Call it whatever you want to.

If you are doing the activity and learning to correct your mistakes.



Sunday, April 13, 2014


A guy named Gary Vaynerchuk hit the nail squarely on the head with his book, "Crush It".

This is the time for branding yourself!

In some small circles in my hometown I'm known for my chess playing abilities.

My skills are actually so microscopic in world chess rating circles that it's not even worth it for me to tell you my rating.


Nowadays it doesn't matter.

I'm still good enough to make a you-tube video about my exploits and explain what I do know.


That's what you have to do in MLM also.

Obviously you can begin your branding of yourself by using social media like Facebook.

Once you have put your name on your company insignia, the branding has begun.  The idea is to consciously try to get people to see you as the answer to their needs regarding your network marketing opportunity.

In the past we used paper products like flyers and business cards, now we have every medium conceivable as a tool.

It's not a matter of if we should brand ourselves (some would say we do that automatically everyday in many, many ways) but instead that we are doing everything in our power to emphasize who we are and what we do.

Our business can be tough and having a tool at an amazing price


to help make things a little easier for us

We're actually paying a bigger price not to.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


My company says it pretty much the same way many network marketing companies say it.

 "There's only three things you have to do in this company to be successful. Recruit, recruit and recruit...and don't get that out of order."

I actually like prospecting...most of the time.

I came up with this prospecting survey idea (probably been done millions of times but I'm taking the credit today) where I stop a person in the mall and ask them if they would like to take a very brief survey.

The survey consists of questions about wanting to earn extra income.  Usually the person says, "Sure, I'd like to earn extra income." At which time I get their name and phone number and I give them our opportunity DVD.

If they don't want to give me their phone number (somewhat understandable considering a lot of women particularly might just think it's a come-on) then I will only give them a business card and a link to another opportunity video.

It's hard to feel good about giving a prospect a tool without follow-up info.

I've only done it to about 10 prospects because mall security doesn't like people doing surveys with their customers.

That decently handled but nevertheless discouraging interruption, threw me for a loop and I've had to regain my confidence in preparation of trying it again.  This time the location will be a grocery store parking lot or outside the mall area (preferably while moving from store to store).

There are tons of prospecting videos on you-tube.  Most people hate cold market but I'm absolutely certain there is a lot of money in it.

It's tough but very necessary.

I guess I'm just a different breed.  I'll work my warm market, do daily exposures and set weekly goals for this harder core prospecting as well.

My "WHY" (why I'm in this business) is very important to me and I need to start helping others to be successful RIGHT NOW!