Sunday, May 4, 2014

Don't recruit EVERYBODY into your network marketing business

Remember when you recruited Terry into your network marketing business?

You were so excited.

A new recruit!

We love that!

Terry's personality is so bubbly.

Terry has no problem talking to people.

Remember you thought, "Terry's going to be a ROCKSTAR" in this business!

Six months and quite a lot of infighting late...

 You remembered something.

Something important.

Terry likes to gossip.

Terry likes to get things started.

No!  When I say get "THINGS" started" I don't mean BUSINESS related "things."

I mean good old fashioned DRAMA!

Now two other people in your organization, two REAL leaders are fighting!

And guess who instigated it?

Now you remember that joke they had in the office.

There's three ways to spread information around here...

Telegraph...Telephone...Tell Terry!

My point is this.

We are not begging just anyone to be a part of our business.

We are looking for good, positive minded people to be a part of our organization.

We are actually doing more for them by offering them this great opportunity than they are doing for us by being a part.

Pick your prospects wisely.

Don't pre-judge but when you learn something detrimental about your prospect CAREFULLY weigh the pros and cons.

Maybe they won't HELP the team.

Sometimes building a strong team is just one prospect away.

Unfortunately the same can be said about destroying a team!